

Officers elected, each to a two-year term
President-Elect: Geoff Koby
Secretary: Eve Bodeux
Treasurer: Robin Bonthrone

Directors elected, each to a three-year term:
Yasmin Alkashef
Analia Bogdan
Robert Sette

ATA董事会任命Jessie Liu为董事,任期一年,以填补Eve Bodeux当选为秘书后空缺的职位.

** The four proposed Bylaws amendments passed.


除了选举董事会成员外,投票成员还将对拟议的章程修正案进行投票. The proposed changes appear below. Please note that text proposed to be deleted is struck through; text proposed to be added is underlined. ATA的章程可以被三分之二的投票成员修改、修改或废除.

Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws

Article VII “Other Committees,” Section 2 “Standing and Other Committees; Purposes,” Subsection a, “Finance and Audit Committee”:

a. Finance and Audit. The Finance and Audit Committee shall include, but not be limited to, the members of the Executive Committee. This committee shall oversee the finances and financial reporting ,包括但不限于: 检查季度收入/费用报告,监督投资,审查年度审计,以及 drawing up a budget in conjunction with the Executive Director for each fiscal year, 在财政年度开始前提交董事会批准.

The ATA Board of Directors recommends approval.

拟议修正案的目的是更准确地反映司库职位和财务与审计委员会的现状, 在监督协会财务方面的职责和责任.

Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws:

Article VII “Other Committees,” Section 2 “Standing and Other Committees; Purposes,” Subsection c, “Membership”:

c. Membership Development. The Membership Development Committee shall 检查活动和相应成员资格的申请, 按照本章程第三条的规定,并按照董事会通过的政策和程序. 委员会拒绝积极会员申请的建议应提交董事会批准, 并由协会总部通知有关决定, 按照董事会通过的政策和程序. The Membership Committee shall also actively recommend and pursue policies to recruit attract and retain members, 包括开发和支持计划和福利,以满足ATA成员的利益, 教育现有的和潜在的会员关于协会和会员的利益, providing resources to inform, recruit, and retain ATA members, 收集与会员资格相关的信息.

The ATA Board of Directors recommends approval.

For over a decade, 成为积极会员是一个自我报告的过程,ATA工作人员进行随机审计. 章程中的措辞已经过时,并且描述了一个多年未到位的流程.

拟议修正案的目的是反映成员委员会在成员保留和增长方面的职责和责任的现实情况. 这项任务对于美国航空协会吸引和留住会员,确保有足够的资源为永利登录网址的会员服务和履行协会的使命至关重要.

To reflect the committee’s updated charge, 提议的名称现在包括了成员发展的重点.

Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws

Article VII “Other Committees,” Section 2 “Standing and Other Committees; Purposes,” Subsection d, “Nominating and Leadership Development”

3) Further nominations, 附有被提名者的接受书, 可否以书面呈请,并由最少六十人签署 other 提名和领导力发展委员会应在董事会公布提名和领导力发展委员会提议的候选人名单后不迟于30个日历日收到.

The ATA Board of Directors recommends approval.

拟议修正案的目的是澄清通过请愿提名航空运输协会董事会职位所需的签名数目. 申请提名的人自然会支持自己的候选人资格. 签署门槛的目的是为了证明该候选人获得另外60名有投票权的成员的足够支持.

Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws:


a. Disciplinary actions, including censure, suspension, or expulsion from membership, may be taken for any of the following causes:

根据联邦或州法律,在与…有关的事务中被判重罪或其他道德败坏罪, or qualifications for, professional activity;

2)在提供专业服务时存在重大疏忽或故意不当行为, 或其他不道德或不专业的行为,基于明显和严重违反ATA道德和专业准则 Practice Responsibility; or

3)在申请或维持ATA会员资格时存在欺诈或虚假陈述, professional certification, or other professional recognition or credential.

The ATA Board of Directors recommends approval.

拟议修正案的目的是反映美国航空运输协会道德守则的最新标题, 由道德委员会修订,并于2022年由ATA董事会批准. 作为修订的一部分,标题从 Code of Ethics and Professional Practice to Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility. 修订后的法典于2023年1月1日生效,新标题为: Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility.