
  • 笔译是书面的,口译是口头的,这是两种不同的技能. Demonstrate the difference with a couple of basic exercises in the classroom (see ideas below).
  • Being bilingual isn’t enough to make you a translator or interpreter: you need additional training. 简要讨论教育要求和有益的生活经验. It’s also useful to emphasize the need for excellent English and foreign language grammar.
  • 翻译不仅仅是词语替换. Illustrate the point by giving an example of a translation problem or culturally specific word that the children can understand.



首先介绍你自己,确定你使用的语言. 当你谈论你的工作时,使用你自己经历的轶事.


  • Describe how you became interested in languages and how you entered the profession. Use this as a springboard to mention the talents and character traits required for your work (good memory, 好的词汇, 热爱语言, 等.).
  • Sk等h out your working conditions and tell the students what a typical day is like. Many students enjoy hearing about living abroad and about the travel and prestigious events involved in interpreting.
  • 讨论行业的工具:计算机(PC), 笔记本电脑), 字典, 互联网, 电子邮件, 传真, 计算机程序, 等.


Get the kids involved as quickly as possible: ask questions and encourage them to do the same. Asking questions about their exposure to other languages breaks the ice and simultaneously gives you a better feel for your audience.


  • 谁能在地图上指出说我的语言的国家?
  • 谁在家说另一种语言?
  • 什么语言?
  • 你能在地图上指出说这种语言的国家吗?
  • 谁在学校学过另一门语言?
  • 你如何称呼精通两种语言的人??
  • 你在什么地方使用过另一种语言.g.、旅行、娱乐、和祖父母聊天)?
  • 你在哪里见过翻译?



  • 课堂上是否有翻译和口译练习来证明两者的区别. Have the students do a simple translation by writing a basic word or sentence on the board in one language and asking for volunteers to come up and write the word in another language. Then take them through an interpreting exercise: say a common phrase in a language they know and ask for a volunteer to interpret for you in another language. (如果孩子们都只会说一种语言, 提前告诉老师你要对同学们说什么, 让他或她用英语重复一遍.) Highlight the key point: translation is written; interpreting is spoken.
  • 展示或分发一些非常简单的翻译, 最好是孩子们熟悉的东西. Tell them their names in a foreign language; show them bilingual labels on the packaging for international foods; or show them photographs of signs in foreign countries.
  • 使用地图. 提前询问老师教室里有哪些地图. 如果你专注于一个特定的国家, you may want to bring your own map or photocopies of the map for the students to keep. And time differences can really get attention: one group of fourth 年级rs gasped audibly when told that 10:30 in the morning in their home town was 4:30 in the afternoon in Paris.
  • 对于大一点的孩子, illustrate the problem of ambiguity by giving the students a simple word that has more than one meaning. 这可能就像“分数”这个词一样简单,这句话通常会在两个句子中被翻译成两个不同的单词, “我在第三层 年级的时候,和“我得到了一个好…… 年级 在我的测试中.” Give (or ask the students to provide) translations for each of the meanings of this term and 强调重点:你不可能准确地翻译它,直到你 了解它在上下文中的意思.
  • 强调翻译特定文化词汇的难度. Choose a culturally specific word in an appropriate language and ask the students to come up with the meaning of the word and all the associations it has. 强调重点:你不能只是用一个词代替另一个词.
  • 强化信息:边走边把要点写在黑板上. As you make each point, review and ask questions: “Who can tell me what translation is?”“谁能告诉我什么是口译?最后, 打个招呼, multiple-choice “pop-quiz” designed to be easy and fun while reinforcing the key points of the talk. A sample question might be “Which of the following countries is not Spanish-speaking? a) Mexico; b) Venezuela; c) Uruguay; or d) Mesopotamia.” Have the students trade papers and correct them, and then go over the questions out loud.


尽可能使用道具和视听效果. 一些例子:

  • 携带译文和原文的翻译材料. 试一试 彩虹鱼戴帽子的猫, 哈利波特系列的任何一本, 或者其他适合这个年龄段的材料. (其中一些资源可以从你当地的图书馆得到.)或者带上配音和/或字幕的电影. 你也可以带三个版本——一个是英文的, one with subtitles and one dubbed—and let the children see and hear the difference. Point out that all of them began in one language and had to be translated into another one.
  • Translate age-appropriate cartoons into English and copy source and target text on two different colors of paper. Tell the class you have some fun cartoons, and hand out the foreign-language version. 问:“你不喜欢他们吗?? 为什么没有人笑?孩子们可能会回答:“永利登录网址看不懂。.问:“永利登录网址应该怎么做?? 永利登录网址怎么读?(可能的有趣回答:让妈妈读, 请老师读一读, 请校长读一读.)解释说他们看不懂漫画,因为它们不是用英语写的, 所以他们需要找个翻译. “幸运的是,”你继续说,“我只是碰巧是个翻译! 你要我帮你翻译这些漫画吗?孩子们应该大喊:“是的。!花几秒钟在老师的桌前“假装”翻译漫画. 然后拿起译文说:“都完成了。! 谁想看有趣的英语漫画?“把它们分发出去,好好享受吧!
  • 用外语阅读或与学生交谈
  • 做一个简短的口译示范. 一位母亲确实在学校和儿子们一起现场翻译演示. 假装她只会说法语, 她对全班同学讲话, 她的一个儿子把她的话翻译给他的同学听. 如果孩子对口译和笔译有疑问, 也可以用法语翻译给她听.
  • 带入外币. Put sample bills in a clear folder and pass it around the class (or assign a student to walk it around). 如果你有足够的零钱, 你甚至可以让孩子们留下一枚硬币,或者把它作为奖品送给别人.
  • 把照片, 明信片, 工艺品, or other memorabilia in an album or a protective cover and pass it around the classroom. Crafts that children can touch are an excellent idea: one sixth-年级 class enjoyed seeing and touching a hand-woven poncho from Peru.


Leaving something tangible behind will give you a better return on the time and energy you’ve invested in your presentation. 给孩子纪念品或零食, such as novelty school supplies (a notepad in the shape of a globe; a pen that lights up), 微型外国国旗, 贴纸, 色彩鲜艳的讲义, 来自另一种文化的食物, 或地图. Even a flyer about your work or a brochure on your employer will help the students remember you and your talk. Give the teacher a resource handout with pointers to further information on translation and interpreting.


This could be anything from a five-minute chat about the resource handout for this level to a cup of coffee or a lunch date. One seasoned presenter reports that teachers are very eager to learn more from her and that she finds the contact with them extremely rewarding.

Make your child’s teacher (or the closest school) aware of your profession and offer to speak on foreign language-related subjects and at the school’s career-oriented events. One parent went to her daughter’s classroom twice a month for 15 minutes to teach a few words of the languages she learned as a child.

从“国家游行”开始,孩子们举着不同国家的国旗. Afterwards parents and students can  share artifacts, information, food, dance, 等. 从他们的原籍国或兴趣国.




These sample presentations, tips, and exercises that can be adapted for your needs. 如果你使用了这些材料, 请务必适当地感谢作者的贡献.
